Monday, October 26, 2009
Grown ups, you gotta love 'em!
I could possibly be the cutest baby girl in the entire planet. Honestly, I can't help it. I have a beautiful Mommy, handsome Daddy, and look like movie stars grandparents. And another thing...they LOVE me soooo much. I can hardly stand it. In fact, sometimes I just cry to see what they will do to calm me down. For now it usually involves a bottle, some rocking, walking, standing on their heads. It's all in the training. Just wait until I'm older and I cry when they won't give me the keys. We'll see about that. Until then, I'll settle for food, love, and rapt attention. And my brothers, so far I have them wrapped around my little pinky. Watch how I work, boys, and earn, I mean learn something! 

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Life is Good!
This is my first time to see the leaves falling. I like it! I also like to play with my feet now. They are soooo interesting. Especially when I have that stupid diaper off. It really feels good to touch my toes. My hands are pretty nice to play with and to suck on. More slobber, more better. I sure wish I would get a tooth. It would really put me in a better mood. Now that my brothers are in school, I get to spend "quality" time with my Mom. She loves me a lot, even if I still can't sleep through the night yet. We get to cuddle more that way. Life is good!
Monday, August 17, 2009
I'm 4 months old already
Wow!! It's been a long four months. So much to do. I learned how to coo real loud, to yell at my brothers when they are bothering me, and I taught Mom to act fast when I want to eat. She gave me some cereal and I showed her how I didn't like it by keeping my poo in. No more cereal for a while. But, it backfired a little when she gave me some prune juice. Ugh!
We spend a lot of time at my Grandma Rosemarie's swimming pool. I don't know how to swim yet, but I sure look cute in my new suit and red hat. I may even get in the swim suit addition of Sports Illustrated. Hey, why not? My Daddy might not like it, but, oh well, he'll get over it. Right now I just smile and kick my legs when I see him and he goes all goo goo over it. He's such a softie. Just wait til I ask for the keys to the car!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Mama gets to watch me. Finally!
Today I got to sit with my MaMa. I was the best girl, as usual, and I even put her down for a nap. Boy, she's a busy woman. It was hard to do, but I finally got her down at about 2:00. We played a little, I had to stay awake until she closed her eyes, but she finally slept for about 15 minutes. My Mommy took my big bro, Jaxson, to the doctor to get ready for kindergarten. Looks like it will be just her and me when school starts. She needs to get some rest and with him and Addison and Jayden in school, I will have her all to myself, to rest, of course. I can't wait.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I am loved!!

This is my MaMa holding me. She loves me so much and can't wait for me to be able to smile. I really am trying by exercising my mouth in yawns and sneezes. I push my tongue around inside my mouth like I'm eating something tasty.
We do lots of things together, eat, sleep and go potty. She even sings to me when I get my diaper changed. Now that I weigh 10 pounds, that can take some time since I have lots of folded places in my legs and bum. It sure feels goood when she's finished and I'm all wrapped up in a clean diaper. I love to look at her, but she thinks I can't really see anything but shapes. The best part is that she loves me and I feel special. 

My mommy had some more pictures taken of me in pretty dresses. I feel so girly when she dresses me up. I can't wait until I can go shopping with her. It will be so much fun. For now we'll just have to communicate by my crying and staying awake at nite when everyone else is sleeping. I love that part. It's just her and me. Life is good.
Monday, May 25, 2009
I'm Five weeks old
Bonjour! I am a big girl now. I have my own headbands, dresses, and a Mommy who takes very good care of me. I have been a little fussy because my tummy hurts, but my brothers have taught me how to "pass gas" and it makes it much better. I am now nursing very well, but have an occasional soy formula to see if it helps my tummy. My very first social event was a shower (that's grown up talk for a party) and I got so many new outfits to wear. Even a pink satin ballet back pack and skirt for my lessons. I haven't decided to take ballet or tap yet, but my MaMa hopes for ballet. So far, I like this world I'm in, even if it is pretty busy. I still get to rest a lot, but Mom wishes it would be when she does at night. Oh well, that's the life of a Princess, n'est pas? Au revoir for now. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Baby Girl
At last, I am very glad to meet you all! My name is Princess Ella. I have 3 brothers who are being very kind and loving to me. I was just 6 hours old when this picture was taken by my Grandma Rosemarie at the hospital where I was born. As you can see, I was really tuckered out. Dr. Kromhautz gently pulled me out of my Mom's tummy even though I really wasn't supposed to be born for 3 more weeks. I tried to stay in by not turning around, but him and Mommy decided they wanted to see me sooner. And Daddy was there to see me and take pictures of me coming out. I kind of like this picture of me all cleaned up. It has been quite an adventure so far. I'll let you know how I like it as the days go by. Au revoir!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Our first grandaughter is born !
We are proud to announce the birth of our 4th grand child, Ella Amberley Janowicz! At 10:23 am, on Monday, April 20, our first little grandaughter came into the world. She weighed in at 5lbs 1oz, and 18 inches long. Since the princess was breech at the time of her last ultra sound the previous Thursday, the doctor scheduled a c-section for Monday at 7:30am. Two emergencies preceeded Bridgett's and so she had to wait for her turn. Finally at 9:50 they came to get her and her coach, Matt. The procedure took about 45 minutes. Ella was 3wks early, but it turned out Bridgett was dilated 5 centimeters, so this was planned by the Universe! To anyone who thinks we have control of our destiny, here is proof we do not. Baby Ella is thriving and Bridgett is recovering nicely from the c-section. We are all proud and relieved both are healthy.
Click below to hear her at just 6 hours old. Ma Petite-Fille !! Tres Bien!
Click below to hear her at just 6 hours old. Ma Petite-Fille !! Tres Bien!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Princess Peek a Boo !
Here I am in my Mom's tummy! I think I want to be a gymnast when I get out of here because I can kiss my toes. I was a little shy when they tried to see me at the last ultrasound, but they finally got me to move my feet away from my face. Maybe I'll be a diver in the Olympics doing the jack knife!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
be'be' is 3lbs 3ozs
As of yesterday, March 6th, our Princess weighs 3lbs 3ozs and is healthy, active, and has a large brain! Seriously, that's what the doctor said. You go, girl! Takes after her MaMa, no doubt. Bridgett and I had our ritual lunch at Le Ciel and I saw her eat two (2) strawberry, bannana, and almond, stuffed with nutella crepes. What more could a mother want? Of course, I had to help her a little.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Expecting our first grand daughter!!
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