Bonjour! I am a big girl now. I have my own headbands, dresses, and a Mommy who takes very good care of me. I have been a little fussy because my tummy hurts, but my brothers have taught me how to "pass gas" and it makes it much better. I am now nursing very well, but have an occasional soy formula to see if it helps my tummy. My very first social event was a shower (that's grown up talk for a party) and I got so many new outfits to wear. Even a pink satin ballet back pack and skirt for my lessons. I haven't decided to take ballet or tap yet, but my MaMa hopes for ballet. So far, I like this world I'm in, even if it is pretty busy. I still get to rest a lot, but Mom wishes it would be when she does at night. Oh well, that's the life of a Princess, n'est pas? Au revoir for now.