This is my MaMa holding me. She loves me so much and can't wait for me to be able to smile. I really am trying by exercising my mouth in yawns and sneezes. I push my tongue around inside my mouth like I'm eating something tasty.
We do lots of things together, eat, sleep and go potty. She even sings to me when I get my diaper changed. Now that I weigh 10 pounds, that can take some time since I have lots of folded places in my legs and bum. It sure feels goood when she's finished and I'm all wrapped up in a clean diaper. I love to look at her, but she thinks I can't really see anything but shapes. The best part is that she loves me and I feel special. 

My mommy had some more pictures taken of me in pretty dresses. I feel so girly when she dresses me up. I can't wait until I can go shopping with her. It will be so much fun. For now we'll just have to communicate by my crying and staying awake at nite when everyone else is sleeping. I love that part. It's just her and me. Life is good.