Monday, November 1, 2010
Trick or Treat!
When I put on my Goldilocks costume, I became a treak or treating dynamo! Something in that outfit gave me unlimited energy! I even kept up with my brothers! I just can't figure out how to open the packages the candy is in, so for now, I will just eat the paper. My Mom and Dad were MaMa Bear and PaPa Bear. We had so much fun. I can't wait for next year!
Monday, September 6, 2010
I walk, talk, and dazzle everyone!
Hello world! This is Ella Amberley and I am the bomb! I am now 16 mos old, and watch out. I can say MaMa, PaPa, Mommy, oggie, and lots of other things only I can understand. I only do that so I can keep the adults guessing. My favorite thing to do is walk everywhere and pick up things I can and can't have. I look to get approval, and my Dad gives it to me about everything! He's my DaDa, by the way. I mimic my brothers, (that drives them CRAZY!) and I love the beach! I have a pretty bathing suit that drives everyone wild! I am truly a princess!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Fun at the Park!
My parents and brothers and I went to the park and MaMa and PaPa met us there. We also took our new puppy, Kinsey. I got to sit with the "big people," while my brothers played on the slide and stuff. I got to go on the swing and it was so much fun! My Daddy tickled me! Then we all heard the magic tune of "A Pirate's Life for Me." That meant the ice cream truck was coming. Everyone but me got one. I was bummed. But, my MaMa gave me hers! Wow, it was good! I love my MaMa!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Princess Ella Amberley of Janowicz
It is finally official, I am the crowned Princess of Janowicz. In this video you may see my humble subjects. I am a fair and loving daughter of King Matthew and Queen Bridgett, who, by the way, are also my servants. I rule the kingdom, even though I let them think they do.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
My pretty bow
I had a fun day with MaMa and PaPa at my house coloring eggs. I guess the Easter Bunny put in a really big order 'cuz we painted 46 of them! Of course, I mostly entertained everybody by crawling around in my pretty egg coloring dress (see the polka dots, sort'a like little eggies) Anyway, I had lots of fun playing peek a boo with MaMa.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Pretty Girl!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I'm crawling!

I know, it's hard to believe, but I am mobile! And I have two bottom teeth! Wow, I am one step, I mean one crawl away from total freedom and if anyone gets in my way, I can bite them. I can get to my brother's stuff a lot easier now. My Mommy makes sure I have suitable crawling clothes on to protect my knees, they are getting pretty dirty! Oh well, that's what washing machines are for, right? I had my first taste of Silly Putty today. Really overrated... What I'd like is a chance to get into that collection of rocks my big brother, Jayden, has. Yummmmm! I wanted you to see my pretty Christmas dress. It also works for Valentine's Day. I'm so cute! Everyone says so. Time to go exploring! Carpe Diem!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My new hair bows

My grandma gave me some new hair bows, they were my Auntie Amber's when she was a little girl. I really think they are pretty and I will wear them a lot.
Jaxson got a little too close and made fun of me, so I let him have it. Take that, you bratty brother! Maybe you won't do that again. I swear, those boys think I'm just a pretty face. I'll show them!

Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!

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